Crazy family reunion coming up!

Crazy family reunion coming up!

I am so looking forward to the annual family reunion that has not been held since 2019, due to covid. We are a group of seven families and a few cherished friends thrown in. We have always had this reunion on July fourth on the family farm. This year we will once again meet at the family farm for the last time, This younger family generation decided going forward that this family reunion will be at a different destination.

Certain families are responsible for certain casseroles.

These are the family approved casseroles that we all love. Another family brings all the drinks, another family brings the snacks and the grandparents bring all the paper products for table setting and eating. Uncle Bill is responsible for the fourth of July fire works, he does a beautiful job but is getting up in years and needs to pass this off to, another family member, the only trouble with this is Uncle Bill has always setup and set off the fireworks with no help because he did not want his family injured.

We enjoy getting together

Yes,covid stopped a lot of family get togethers, but it is not too late to start them up again. In my heart i truly believe that all the generations together create loving family memories. Yes there are little scuffs but overall everyone has a great time. Even the pets get in on the action when we are playing games or snacking. Their favorite seat is under the picnic tables. This year will be a year of change with picking a new destination but so worth it to keep these reunions going.

Are you planning a family reunion? Sometimes it only takes one family to get them started. Go for it!

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