New Spring Kitchen Gadgets

Women about to scrub floors

Spring! What a beautiful time of year. You start thinking what you are going to plan and plant in your flower garden. Your favorite books are seed catalogs. The air smells wonderful and the robins are back and gathering for their morning chatting singing. I laugh because it sounds like the birds have just come back from vacation and they are all glad to be back together. There are new spring gadgets for cleaning.

Spring also is the time when you fling all the doors open and also the windows. You get this great urge to start your spring cleaning.

How to start spring cleaning?

  • Spring is also a good time to replace your sponges … Ice makers are often neglected as well. Start by unplugging the refrigerator, and dumping a
  • ny ice, clean it with warm soapy water, replace the filter, and run through a few cycles of ice before use.

There are some new floor cleaning tools this year

Have you seen the O cedar mop bucket with the spinning attachment? I have one and I love it. I actually love mopping the floor. This mop is good for floors and walls, it reaches in crevices tight spaces.

Mop video o cedar

cleaning supplies


Learn how to clean a kitchen and knock out kitchen messes. Cleaning Products can help with cleaning a kitchen and cleans various surfaces.

HOW TO CLEAN A Refrigerator

sticky fridge shelves, forgotten takeout boxes and dirty produce drawers are a sign it’s time to scour the fridge. Start with this job, as you’ll be unloading those messy surprises on your counters, sink or trash, afterwards.


Bathroombathroom cleaning

  • Discard expired cosmetics and beauty products
  • Update first-aid kit
  • Deep clean shower
  • Wash bathmats
  • Deep clean toilet and sink
  • Wash towels and linens
  • Replace or wash shower liner
  • Clean grout


Turns out high heat makes for some major mess. Try my trick to wipe away crusty food residue inside your microwave with ease. I put a ceramic cup filled with water plsce in microwave, turn on for five minutes. The steam from the boiling water will make wiping out the gunk easier.

How to Clean Appliances

Get those appliances gleaming next — think big surfaces like your range and smaller appliances like your toaster and food processor too.

How to clean counter tops

Pine-Sol® wipe down takes care of crumbs, cooking splatters and grimy corners for counters that sparkle


Wash all bedding

deep clean your mattress

Declutter closet, dresser, and under your bed Wash pillows

Home Office

  • Organize files
  • Clean computer
  • Organize office supplies

Outdoor Spaces

  • Scrub deck and patio
  • Wash driveway
  • Treat mildew
  • Wash outdoor furniture
  • Check for damaged wires and connections on light fixtures

Utility Spaces

How to actually make spring cleaning fun?

Spring Cleaning Tip #1: Make a Playlist & Dance.

Music can make basically anything more exciting.

While spring cleaning might not be the most exciting activity, it can turn into a dance party with the right kind of music. Make a playlist on spotify with all your favorite songs. Dance and sing your way through your spring cleaning like the rock …


Cleaning Supplies for Spring Cleaning The Pink Stuff I love this product Lysol, cleaning sponges, micro fiber cloths, nitrol gloves, Mr. clean

Hope these Tips help. Happy cleaning

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